Technology has changed the way that people can play games, from casual gamers who play a few times a week or month on their phone, to those who play every day and make a living playing professionally. This documentary takes the audience on a journey through all the levels of gamers providing testimonials and background information from each group.
Level Up explores the video gaming culture from the perspective of a wide range of gamers starting with casual smart phone gamers to avid, professional gamers, LAN Party organizers and video game content creators. The documentary covers a brief history of video games and their social angle, as well as the competitive aspect engendered by large-scale gaming events. This is a current and relevant topic examined through interviews and research and presented in an interesting and engaging manner.
Producer: Jeff Colebank
Director: Justin Switzer
Director of Photography: Adam Walsh
Creative Director: Daniela Castillo
Soundtrack: Peter Peterson
Illustration: Mandy Groves
Chief Editor: Adam Walsh
Editing: Daniela Castillo, Jeff Colebank, Peter Peterson, Justin Switzer